Current Spunt Field Locations
The requirements for a Spunt Field are relatively unique but not necessarily rare. The ideal field has an installed soccer crossbar with no net. There should also be ample room in every direction around the soccer goal. Because this setup is sometimes hard to find, we encourage players to write in with locations within their respective cities detailing Spunt fields so others may have an easier time finding an appropriate field when they want to play. Let's work together to bring Spunt to the world. Below are a few Spunt fields that have proven to be a fun and safe venue for the Sport. If you know of more places where Spunt can be played, we highly encourage you to contact us with details.

Spunt: Portland, Oregon
Location: At the corner of Stark St. and 39th St. in Southeast Portland, Or. The goals are by the basketball courts just to the NW of the intersection.
Description: The field features two Spunt goals that are fixed into the ground. They are a little smaller than regulation goals. There is hill and a few trees behind one of the goals that could come into play. The field is rarely used and is often available.
Spunt: Seattle, Washington
Spunt: Salt Lake City, Utah